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I'm Corina Renee.

You know, self-care doesn't have to be the pursuit of perfection it just has to, however big or small, happen. 

Hi & welcome & if you landed here this could be what you needed to hear today. 

To be frank, I had a love/hate relationship with self-care in the past, where trends felt overwhelming as did information overload. I was busy being busy & it took a long time to rewire my thinking into knowing that self-care is fundamentally linked in with self-worth & something we all deserve.

I went from being on the precipice of burn out to finding my thing. I consciously started adopting a slower life.

Is this a pace, sweet reader, you feel could start to benefit you too?

Let's shift from self-care being 'another thing on the to-do list' that ends up in guilt or stress & begin a deepened relationship to our mind, body & soul connection.

A slick self-care routine doesn't matter although returning to a thing or two that fills our cup, does. 

Are you ready to implement fuss-free & time-honored techniques that fit into busy lives & start embodying self-care on a deeper level? Email today.


Where I specialize & support you...


~Rest & renew yoga.

~Sound baths.

~Mentor, guide & support.



Our location.

In the heart of the scenic coastal village, Kingscliff N.S.W, our in-person studio offers the ultimate relaxation experience with solar powered temperature control.

Mentoring is offered online & is by application.



Why sound bath events?


Sound baths are a wonderful way to learn to down-regulate the nervous system while supporting the body & mind to self-heal.

Sound baths may remedy anxiety & encourage deeper sleep while improved focus has been a known benefit.

Sound baths may allow us to cultivate a sense of presence & more.


Retreat for two.


A blissful way to bond & connect with your loved one & bond through rest & relaxation.

A retreat that offers guided relaxation, a sound bath, time for tea & homework to take with you to support your rest & relaxation practice.

Suitable for a mother & daughter, best friends, or partners.




When your life is purpose-filled & you lead less from the head & more from the heart you can create your dream life.

Coaching sessions are curated to help you get crystal clear on how to implement positive change in relationships, career, or where you're needing a shift.

Perhaps you seek a plan for maintaining a work/life balance & you're ready to embrace a more mindful way.

Corina has a gift for recognizing where & how people shine.

Corina is trained in methods that encourage mindful living & creating a meaningful life & the results are clients who shift to value happiness & calm alongside actioning their goals.

Corina's coaching is for you if you're called to follow your north star & you're ready to embody your life's purpose.



​Be my new mentee!

Mentorship is through application only. Book a free connection call or a starter session.


Are you collaborative kin seeking sound at your event? Apply to collaborate.


Email inquiries


Relevant Qualifications:


​Diploma level Sound healing practitioner.


​​Relax & renew practitioner.


Manifestation coaching with Angie Banicki.


Memberships:​ Yoga Alliance


​​Corina Renee has a vocalist background in duos & has assisted Australia's luxury spa & retreat centers with beauty & holistic services.

Corina's experience has culminated into current offerings as a qualified sound & rest practitioner. 

As a natural intuitive Corina's coaching is a creative portal where She shares the gift of being able to intuitively guide others to not only see & strengthen their own gifts but how to plan a dream life aligned on path & purpose.





"'Slow down & return to the heart while creating a life of purpose.' Corina Renee.

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